Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Katahdin- A Year Later

Katahdin is more than a mountain. From my couch it was a dream. From Georgia, it was a destination. For thousands of stinky, optimistic hikers, it was hope. From the morning of August 27, 2012, it was an accomplishment. As I look back on Katahdin, the day wasn't about the hike at hand- to take the final step on an epic adventure. It was about the journey. The first step. The millions of steps in between. The friends. The experience. It was the final episode of Seinfeld. Remember that one? The whole gang went out with a bang, but they took you through all those old clips to show you how they got there. 

The Appalachian Trail was life changing, but it was not life DEFINING. My life is defined by One much greater than myself, which is why I hiked in the first place- to make a difference in the lives of others. It impacted me as much as it did the hundreds who now have clean water in their villages in Africa. Looking back, I am greatly blessed with the friends I made on the trail and even more blessed to be able to stay in touch with them. I discovered that when I felt there were limits physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually, they helped push me to see that I was capable of much more. 

The truth is Katahdin seems like a distant memory. I still think of the adventure from time to time, but it doesn't consume me like it did. That joy I experienced a year ago was that first snow flake that would eventually snowball into a joyous avalanche. In God's perfect timing, I came home to the Cairn opening up, and an opportunity to work there. I wake up every day in love with life, my wife, my God, my job, and all the people around me. Sure I get tired and even grumpy from time to time, but overall it has just been too incredible a year. I walked up Katahdin with the humble offering of a rock that was carried from Georgia and left with a reminder to live each day with passion and to make a difference in the lives of people around me and to continually have joy in all things. That is what I have tried to carry with me this last year, and it has only made the journey sweeter. My hope and prayer is that you will not fear the Katahdin in your life, but approach it humbly, ready to learn the lessons it has for you, and embrace the joy that will overflow as you journey down.

Love, joy, and peace always,

The Flash


  1. Absolutely awesome Brian!!!! Very inspirational!

  2. Nicely written. Have you thought about or perhaps already written about your experience in order to publish it? You have a nice voice and could present a readable, enjoyable account of what most people just dream about. And don't I just sound like your high school English teacher....
